domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Millau Sessions 2012

Despues de 2 meses sin remar con rodeo fuimos a Millau(Francia) a remar con todos los de  el AEP. El finde estubo bien, salieron buenos trucos, buenas tomas y buena amistad. Os dejamos con el video!

Millau sessions 2012 from ian salvat cuevas on Vimeo.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Norway memories & vekko fest

This last days around the Voss area have been absolutely insane!!! Haven't stopped kayaking for a single day since the day I arrived to Norway, the 28 of may… yes my body is tired but I can't stay away of the water.. this is just too good!!! some of the best times ever on the river! During the last week the rivers have been raising up and got the chance of running Teigdal, one of the most epic sections in Norway. I also been trying some freestyle on some drops that I've been finding on my way...  many runs on Brandset, Jordalselvi, Urdlanselvi… this area is just amazing so much staff to go paddle!!!

sick river on our way to Vows
having fun with Mathias on the disney land's for kayakers
1st round on double drop. pic by mathias fossum
double time!
same drop at super high water !!! amazing pictures by mikael gillis
everybody stoked at the bottom pic by Mikel Gillis
last run on double at even higher flows. the boils where massive here! pic by Mikael Gillis
all smiles after some good kayaking action! photo by mikel gillis
running the amazing rolling 70 footer on Eigsandal!
one of the great slides in the brandseth photo by benji hjort
competing on the team race together with ron and ramazza. placed 2nd ! congrats to eric who won the two individual races no problem!!! yeah!

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Salt Vallfarrera!

Cap de setmana al Salt del Vallfarrera, gràcies a les ultimes pluges hem pogut anar a gaudir d'aquest salt durant tot el matí! 

De camí cap al salt!

Aran buf!


Albert A. seguint una bona línia!

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

GoPro Aniol Serrasolses

Check out some of the best GoPro shots of Aniol Serrasolses in the 2011 season.  The whole video is recorded with GoPro HD, sickest water camera out there!! worth every cent spent!

Mis mejores imágenes desde la Gopro de mi pasado 2011. Todo el video esta grabado con GoPro HD!

consigue fácilmente imágenes como esta con tu GoPro!
shot of silence

Aniol Serrasolses - GoPro edit 2011 from SB Productions on Vimeo.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Rider of the year III awards teaser

Recopilación de las mejores imágenes de kayak del 2012!! Gerd y Aniol tienen varias entradas en las categorías de " best drop, best line, best downriver freestyle..." las votaciones serán en breve!! Dale un vistazo al video, las imágenes son increíbles!!

 Recopilation of some of the best kayaking shots of 2012! Gerd and Aniol got a few entries for the best drop, best line best downriver freestyle categories, the vocations will be soon!! Check the awards teaser now, this video is insane!!!

Rider of the Year III Awards Teaser from Tribe Rider on Vimeo.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Salt kayak festival 2012

El pasado mes de Setiembre se celebro en Salt el primer salkt kayak festival. El evento tuvo mucha participación con palmistas de Francia, país vasco, Andalucía...  a la vez se celebro un festival de cine con premios hasta 2000 euros + otros 2000 euros en metálico para las pruebas de freestyle y boater cross! Un evento para todos los públicos que no te puedes perder!

Salt kayak festival from SB Productions on Vimeo.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Pallars riders

Pallars riders Is a community of friends and brothers located in the catalan  Pyrenees.
Some of us like to kayak, others climb and some ski! But all of us share the same passion for extreme sports…  Being in the nature, having a good time and riding with friends is as good as it gets for us!
We enjoy life and all the good things that happen around us, we want to travel, discover what is out there, push the limits of our sport,  meet new people and become better persons with all the experiences lived!
It is our dream to spend our lifes kayaking all over the world and doing something we love, but is a dream that we gonna live. 
Most of the crew has born in the Pallars Sobira or feel like Sort (held the World freestyle championship 2001) is home after spending a few years of their life’s there…
These are some of the future kayak rockstars! Young, skilled and versatile this kids combine 3 disciplines:
Freestyle, slalom and creek.
Slalom makes them fast and clean, freestyle makes them better in general and allows them to feel good
about downriver freestyle. Creek makes them want to push the envelope and paddle harder rivers.
Something really cool to see is that none of them paddles the same, but they all take something from each other forming a sick mix of styles!
That gives them a huge advantage to older generation paddlers that only focused on one discipline,
they learn faster and they’re fearless about trying new things.
We want to help each other as a team to accomplish bigger goals and getting the sport we love some mediatime in a country where football is the only thing that matters!